
Helpdesk Tickets and Phone Calls


As hard as we try to proactively monitor equipment and the environment in general, we obviously cannot monitor for every single situation and issue which may arise. This is why we have the ticketing system. The ticketing system or as most people call it, the Helpdesk, is designed to track, prioritize and schedule issues which are submitted to IT for support/help/resolution. This is very similar to creating a Work Order for a vehicle. If there is no work order, then the technician doesn’t know about it, doesn’t know what needs attention and doesn’t know what the customer wants. The same applies to IT. If there is not a ticket, then IT probably doesn’t know there is an issue. Please make sure you are creating tickets for your technical problems with computers, phones, printers and software so we can address them in a timely manner. You can create a ticket by doing the following; 



Submit Ticket via Email

  • Send a detailed email to Please make sure you are sending in specifics about your issues. Vague emails such as “help” or “my computer doesn’t work” do not help the process move faster, it actually slows it down. Since we have less information to prioritize on, this can actually cause our response time to be slower since we have to now request more information. Also, please make sure you are responding to your emails. This is our primary form of communication with end users, so it is critical you reply back to us when we respond to your tickets. This can be for request for more information, attempting to schedule time or instructions on how to work around/fix the issue you are having.



Submit Ticket via Website

  • Open a web browser and go to There will be a link in the upper right hand corner(just to the left of your name) that says “Submit a Request”(see below)


  • Choose an option. 99.9% of the time you will be choosing the Default Ticket Form.


  • Once selected, you will receive a form to fill out in order to submit your issue to the helpdesk. The form looks like below;3.png



Submit Ticket via Phone

  • Call the Helpdesk at Extension 9000 or from an outside location at 847-277-8330 (see Helpdesk Calls section below for more specifics.)
  • The portal is very handy and allows you to see all of your tickets and the status of each ticket as well as interact with the ticket which can be easier than just using email. If you need help logging in, please use your email address and the ‘Forgot my password’ link. Once logged in you will be able to access your tickets by choosing My Activities (see image below)under your username as well as see any documentation that we have put together for processes and procedures.




Helpdesk Calls:

The helpdesk extension(9000) should be used primarily for emergency calls to IT (critical outage affecting multiple people and/or an issue impacting your ability to serve our customers) or when you cannot use your email and/or the support portal to create a new ticket. This process is in place due to people calling the support line for simple requests and expecting IT to create tickets for their issues. Granted, this is quicker for them than sending in an email or creating a ticket in the portal but, it takes more time for IT to create the ticket since we have to extract all of the specifics from the caller to put into that ticket. This is in place to reduce the number of calls which are simply made to create tickets. We need all of you to create your own ticket. IT time spent making tickets is time taken away from solving tickets. Our goal is to address tickets more timely and we need your help to do so.

IT works most efficiently when we can use the ticket system to prioritize our work and address your needs based on this. In order to effectively address your needs, try and refrain from stopping us as we walk by and calling/emailing us directly to address your needs. Obviously, if it is an emergency, do whatever is needed. Otherwise, PLEASE CREATE A TICKET.

We consider the following to be emergencies which will get priority over any tickets in the queue:

Emergency Call Types:

  • Customer Guest Wireless Issues
  • Down computer hardware (you can also request a co-worker submit a ticket on your behalf or access the portal through your mobile device)
  • Network Outage
  • Power Outage
  • Locked out of computer



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