
Motor Werks Auto Group Employee Equipment Policy

Motor Werks Auto Group

Employee IT Equipment Policy


All Employees are required to adhere to the following policies regarding company equipment. These policies are subject to change at any time by Motor Werks Auto Group


All equipment provided to an employee is the property of Motor Werks Auto Group and must always be treated in this manner. Motor Werks has invested substantially in these tools and systems to help employees be more responsive with our customers. It is important to understand that these tools and systems are the property of Motor Werks Auto Group and the use of these systems and tools are provided solely for business purposes and to increase the employee’s efficiency.


Employees agree to the following actions regarding Company equipment:

  • Employee will not install personal software/hardware on company equipment.
  • Employee will not use company equipment for personal use such as personal emails, IM's, web browsing, etc.
  • Employee will report Loss or Theft of company equipment to IT or management immediately.
  • Employee will take all reasonable measures to ensure the physical and digital security of the equipment including: 
    • Equipment is not to be taken home unless it is deemed necessary by their manager
    • Locking the equipment in a secure location when it is not in use.
    • Changing the password as often as required by employer.
    • Ensuring that Company provided Anti-virus, Firewall, or Encryption software is functioning

In the event of termination or role change, all company property must be returned. This equipment includes but is not limited to:
  • Cell Phones, Tablets (iPad, Android Tablet, iPod, Surface Pro) Laptops and Accessories, Charging Cables,
  • Power Block Adapters and other Miscellaneous Cables, Wireless Phone, Wired Desk Phone, Keyboard, Mouse,
  • Printers, Scanners, Credit Card Readers, ePad Ink, Speakers, Monitors and Docking Stations.



Equipment Replacement/Repair and Policy Violations

If you damage or lose/misplace a company owned device or tool, you will be responsible for the cost of its replacement. Costs of the replacement equipment will be determined by current market values and availability. If the device can be repaired, then the costs of repairs will be passed along to the party responsible for the device. All expenses will be deducted from your next paycheck unless the amount is greater than $500 in which the deduction will be spread across two paychecks. If the costs incurred are greater than the amount of your next two paychecks, you will need to contact HR in order coordinate a payment plan.

If a device is claimed as stolen, a proper report/claim will need to be formally filed with as well as Video footage will be reviewed to evaluate the claim. If a device is stolen off-premise of any Motor Werks owned Facility or there is no valid footage of the device being stolen on-premise, the user is responsible for the equipment replacement per the Equipment Replacement/Repair policies defined in this document.

Violations of this policy can result in disciplinary action, up to and including, termination. Anyone using the equipment for defamatory, illegal, fraudulent or other inappropriate purposes deemed by management, may also be subject to civil liability or criminal prosecution, when appropriate. Any questions or concerns regarding the use/misuse of a company owned device, should be brought to management.


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